Monday, June 8, 2009

What's new?

So, it's been a long time since I've posted... You know how people throw around the idea of having been "too busy" to do something, or "life is just too crazy," and you think, "Come on, you must have had a couple of minutes...." Well, I haven't. Or I would have spent them sleeping! Like I should be now, but I'm not cause I'm keeping you up to date!

Back to the original question: What's new?

First of all, we leave tomorrow for Saskatchewan. Lots of family and friends to visit, and fun to be had with family and friends. So I've been packing for that.

Then, somewhere around July 20th we'll be moving to Clyde River, NU. Ah, didn't see that one coming, did you?! If you're looking at a map, find, say, Ottawa, go up until you get to Iqaluit, then keep on going until you're almost at the top of Baffin Island and go a little to the right. About 750 km from here. So I've been getting ready for that, too. 

Craig's been crazy busy at work, I've been working on my course. Have I mentioned that we have two little kiddies that need looking after, too?!! I'd post a picture, but I don't seem to have any. Yikes!

So that's the update! I don't know if I will post while we're gone, so it might be just as long again between updates.... Sorry!

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