Sunday, December 20, 2009

Birthday Boy! Logan's third birthday.

Logan has changed so much in the last year (to be expected!). When we moved north a year and a bit ago, before his second birthday, he wasn't even speaking in sentences yet. He still had naps. And, sigh, he still listened. Now, it's hard to tell who talks more, he and Liam have conversations and make up games together, he absolutely does not have a nap, and his doing-what-he's-told skills have taken a serious nosedive. However, he's been feeding himself for ages, can tell you when he's not feeling well or something's wrong, and we haven't changed a diaper in almost 4 months. A pretty good trade-off, I guess!

His day started with the traditional balloons on his chair and a pancake brunch, then presents, supper with the neighbours (lasagna, in case you were wondering), and of course, cake. His request was: "A chocolate cake with chocolate icing with orange fruit, in a circle." In lieu of orange fruit, the middle layer was orange flavoured.

We appreciated the Happy Birthday phone calls, even if Logan wasn't participating very well (see above), and the presents, too!

Logan was very excited to get a birthday card in the mailEspecially when he saw it had a puppy on it!
Yummy cake, if I may say so myselfI don't want to blow out candles!
I do want to blow out candles! I wanna, I wanna!One more time, for both.
Birthday boy with his cakeBirthday boy enjoying his cake

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