Saturday, July 11, 2009

Exploring in the FJ

Over the last couple of days we have gone for drives and taken a camera (gasp - both at the same time!), even though it's just the little one I keep in my purse for exciting times at playgroup. Except the day that Liam and Leetia built an awesome robot out of blocks. But I digress.

Here is a Google Earth map of where we've been. You'll have to double-click to make it bigger.

1. Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park

We drove to the end of the road in the park and were going to turn around but instead decided to get out and throw rocks into the river.

We were very close to the airport!

2. The Road to Nowhere

Street Sign

Everyone has to have a picture of the street sign for Road to Nowhere! Then we drove all the way to the end. Do you see a theme developing? More pictures of nowhere:

3. Upper Base

Upper Base was once a sprawling complex about 3.5 kilometres northwest of Iqaluit. The military base was built during the 1950s as part of the North American radar surveillance system, but with advances in satellite communications, it was abandoned in 1974. Over time, the site gradually deteriorated. -A quote from somewhere on the internet. I've closed the tab and I'm not going to go delving into my history to find it.

Iqaluit from Upper Base
Why snowmobiling here is bumpy:

Looking up to where we drove next: somewhere beyond Upper Base

4. Beyond Upper Base

Where do the words "Are those tracks over there?" lead you?

Getting there
Another view of Iqaluit

Logan looks pretty small next to that erratic rock!
Do you think we could sell this one to Toyota?

There are no pictures of the rest of the adventure (continuing with the words "How did we get up here?") because we were holding on and watching the handy dandy altimeter in the car and giving distances for the rocks on either side.

And that's what we did today!

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