Thursday, July 16, 2009

It'll all work out.

By the time Craig retires, we'll be really good at this moving thing. Except we won't be doing it every year or so, which means we'll be out of practice and not very good at all!

So.... I've been panicking all week because it looked as though the movers would be packing Monday and loading Tuesday. In and of itself, not bad. But Craig will be at work all Tuesday morning and then we are supposed to fly out at approximately 5:00 p.m. Tuesday night. Which means Tuesday would look like this: Movers loading in the afternoon (and probably finishing packing in the morning); checking in at the airport ~4:00, luggage out there ~1:00 (to make sure as much of it as possible gets on the plane), inspection of the house before that, house clean before that. I just couldn't see how this was possibly going to work.

I was also panicking because all of this might not have been my biggest problem: Until this afternoon, the movers hadn't contacted us. At all. No estimate, no confirmation of dates, no confirmation of our booking. And it only took 26 hours between my initial phone call yesterday and the movers calling today. However, he was quite okay with them packing all day Friday and Monday morning, then loading Monday afternoon. Which means our stuff is in transit a day earlier, since it could take a week or so (oh, how the words "or so" in the North send shivers down your back) to get to Clyde River. Keep smiling Mom (she's flying to Clyde River on the 28th), it'll all work out - "it's the North, everything always works out in the North." That's what I was told on the phone when I was freaking out (mostly inside) yesterday. I'd like to add that the chances of everything working out are directly proportional to how many phone calls you make.

Loading the truck Monday also gives us extra time in case nobody shows up to pack on one of/either of those days (could happen!). And then, theoretically, I have the weekend with most of our stuff in boxes to get the rest of the house cleaned up and our stuff packed for the plane. And time for the inspection on Tuesday.

I'm making great headway in the area of packing our stuff, though. I learned a lot last time! I've already got some meals planned, with items required to make them, packed for when we get there. Most of the bedding is washed and ready to be packed. Tomorrow I'll be ready to start packing clothes. Then the weekend is just a matter of packing towels/sheets and a final load of laundry. At least that's how I'm envisioning it in a glass-half-full kind of way.

See, already it's looking more like everything will work out!

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