Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Birthday update #2

Here is the pure excitement that comes from a couple of balloons. 

We let Daddy sleep most of the day while we made cupcakes.  Liam will be having a "real" cake at his "real" party, so cupcakes would have to do.  He's soooo deprived!  After what we deemed to be enough sleep, Daddy got up. Then it was birthday time!

After all the presents were open, there were a lot of "NO, MINE"s going on.  We finally opened the gift that we brought up with us from Auntie Reggie and Uncle Daryl (and Aaron and Amy, too!) that we hadn't quite found the right time for. So here it is, the Thomas train set. Did you guys mention it had 147 pieces that night in Regina?  I think you may have left that part out, lol!  

After it was set up, I went to make supper.  Craig kept vigil to keep the track from coming/being taken apart.  I giggled in the kitchen. Craig said I was cackling. So not true. But I was laughing pretty hard.  I stopped long enough to take this picture of Craig running from one fix-it spot to another. 

I guarantee, after he went to work, it didn't stay the same!

Logan likes pressing the button to let the cars go through.  More often than not, his knee lands on the (blue) track.

Here is Liam switching the tracks.

Liam had a good birthday, with many new toys to play with and clothes to wear.  I comment on the train set so much because it provided the most hilarity for me.... Earlier Craig asked Liam what he was hoping for, and he replied "A kitchen."  Santa brought him one for Christmas - why another? "For Logan, because he keeps playing with mine." And people wonder if I enjoyed being an only child....

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