Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rocky bedtime road

It seems like with parenting, as with so many things, as soon as you think you've got the hang of it, the rules change.  You would think that, as parents, we would be the ones making the rules; anybody out there who is a parent knows the truth.  For about two months, bedtimes have been smooth - even fun.  Oh, how different the last couple of nights have been!  I am so glad the neighbours on that side moved out - no worries about the screaming bothering them.  Ahem, did I say screaming?  I meant the sweet sounds of boys going to sleep after their mommy has left the room.  And she's not going to get sucked back in, no matter how many different tactics they try.  "Hugs, mommy, hugs!"
Then, "SHRIEK!!!!!!!"
"Covers off..."
"I'm thirsty, I need to get more water."
"Covers on..."
"Pee potty"
"I need a book to read"
Sounds of whispering, a bit of laughter.... it gives you hope that they are the same sweet children you love, that they are cute.  Then:
"Twinkle star?"

Did I mention how cute and adorable they are?  When they are asleep?

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