Monday, January 19, 2009

Who cares about daytime drivers, anyway?

Like everybody else, I like the city's streets to be free of snow.  But must they do it at night? Outside my kids' window?  Because it means they aren't going asleep until the job is done.  The whispering, the giggling, the hopping up and down.... It isn't so bad if Logan's asleep before they start, but no such luck tonight.

Speaking of Logan sleeping.... He fell asleep on our trip to do errands the other day.  Mind you, not until the last errand.  So we decided to give him a little longer to nap, as we were expecting company for supper.  Liam was dead-set on going home, but we managed to convince him to show Daddy where playgroup is. First of all, he was able to give Daddy directions, telling him left and right. Very impressive.  Then we got out of town and Liam said, "According to my calculations, we keep going this way for 2 metres."  I'm quoting!  Too funny.

Now shut your eyes and imagine this.  Okay, now open them so you can read.  We're driving back, and it's that dusky time when the sky is grey, the snow is grey and on the road there is nothing except sky, snow and the green and orange signs marking the edges of the road.  Liam decides we should play "I spy."  We look around, note the lack of "I spy" subjects, and Craig suppresses a giggle.  Liam starts.  "I spy, with my little eye, something that is white."  Hmm, I take a shot at making the game last a little longer, and say "The sky." Liam says, "Nope, that's not what I was thinking of. I'll give you a hint. It's on the ground." I hmm for a while and decide to go with "Snow?" And believe it or not, that's what he was thinking of!

It is 9:15. Apparently, although I cannot hear them from here, the front-end loaders must still be working.  Logan is telling me something very important, I can tell.  I better go see.

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