Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boys, boys, boys

Two cool dudes.

After the birthday party
We got to take home four balloons from the birthday party on Sunday. Because other parents were sensible enough to say "No," I suppose. I, however, felt the distraction might be useful. And it was, but now they are kind of annoying. Here is Logan with the balloons. And after he fell asleep with the sucker from the goody bag still in his hand.

Pretty as a picture

The most amazing landscape drawing I've ever seen
Liam drew this picture yesterday. And I cried. Up until now, he's mostly drawn scribbles and letters and "messages" and told me what they were, mostly making it up as he went along, I think. This was the first time I've looked at a drawing and immediately recognized it as "something."

To me, the sun was obvious. Then he explained the mountain, and the roads (three, across) with tunnels (two, vertical). My first thought when I saw the roads? A true Saskatchewan boy!

Today he drew another picture.... Maybe I'll put it up here too. It's harder than I thought to photograph this art! The picture today led me to another thought.... That the artwork it about to become more prolific, and harder for me to toss.

A quiet day at playgroup
Yesterday was unusually quiet at playgroup. I think the final count was 6 adults and 9 children. This meant the adults "had" to help with the leftover snack. Such a shame. The kids spent a lot of time running around and bugging each other. It seems like they want our attention or something, instead of letting us sit around, eat snacks, drink tea/coffee, and chat. What's up with that?!!  Also, Logan's lack of napping for about 3 days was catching up, because he kept just laying down in strange places. On another tangent, we have a lot of pictures of Liam upside down. I have no idea what this is an indication of. Creativity? Lack of blood to the head? It can really go either way. The last picture is, of course, them pretending to sleep. These pictures are fleeting in nature!

Cinnamon Buns
Yesterday we made cinnamon buns. It was an activity the three of us could do so they wouldn't drive me crazy. And we were close there, for a bit. I gave the boys each their own glob of dough to roll out, brush with butter, and add sugar and cinnamon, then roll up. Liam made his into a nice little ball, ready to smush and roll out. Logan made a nice ball, too. Then he ate it. After a couple of minutes (until I was done kneading the dough and more able to supervise closely) I gave him a bit more. This bunch made it to the final product. In the end, they both made two little rolls and we put them in individual cupcake thingies. Then they ate them for dessert after supper. A successful way to kill a couple of hours. Especially since we used the rising time to clean up their room and get supper ready. Don't the pictures of them eating their creations speak volumes about their different personalities? Liam, very carefully taking a bite. Logan charging right in.

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